Monday, May 21, 2018

Review: Release Me

Release Me Release Me by J. Kenner
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Guys this book was like super super good!

Okay so where to start...

So Nikki is an ex pagent queen, she hated it so she quit and instead decided to persue her education. She lands a fantastic job. One night she goes out with her roomate and friends the man ( Damien ) that paid for her scholarship. At first, he acts weird around her, Nikki assumes that's just the kind of person that he is, until she meets him again.

“You should know, Ms. Fairchild, that before the night is over, I'm going to kiss you.”

So here we have the tension starting. Nikki doesn't know what to think, after all he did blow her off just the day before. But that night, he offers he something she really can't say no to; get a picture painted of her, and he will pay her a million dollars, at first she declines.

Then she thinks it through and decides that she really does need the money, so she finds him and tells him that she will go through with it.

I may have forgot to mention that he is a multi millioner, just about a billionaire. In any case, he has money, him paying someone a millioni isn't that hard for him to do.

But as the story goes on, Nikki learns a bit about his tragic past, she has one of his own as well. I didn't do this book justice, but you really need to read it!

(Do not read if you are under 16)

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